Authorisations and purchases involving precursors for explosive substances
Guaranteeing greater public safety: since 1 January 2023, every acquisition or transaction involving precursors by private individuals is registered by the points of sale in the fedpol information system.
Number of transactions in the reporting period (total) | 2 953 |
Number of authorisations granted in the reporting period | 2 449 |
Precursors are chemical substances found in a multitude of everyday products, such as hydrogen peroxide used to disinfect swimming pools, or ammonium nitrate used as fertiliser. So, on the face of it, aren’t these substances harmless? On the contrary, in a certain concentration and dose, these substances can be used in the manufacture of explosives.
When explosives are manufactured in an improvised laboratory, i.e. non-industrial production, we speak of homemade explosives (HMEs). Terrorists and members of criminal gangs use them to carry out ATM attacks, for example. However, the instability of HMEs makes manufacturing them risky business for amateurs and professionals alike. These substances also pose a threat to the environment close to the production site, and to the emergency services who have to secure the area and dispose of any explosive material left behind. Numerous incidents in Switzerland have already highlighted this danger.

In order to prevent serious accidents involving explosive substances, Parliament passed the Federal Act on Precursors for Explosive Substances, which came into force on 1 January 2023. This requires private individuals to obtain federal authorisation when buying precursors. Authorisation is valid for three years. Every acquisition or transaction by private individuals involving precursors is registered by the points of sale in the fedpol information system. This allows precursors and precursor purchases to be monitored more closely, and is an important step towards guaranteeing greater public safety.
It is important to be vigilant with regard to transactions involving precursors for explosives. Members of the public and people working in the industries concerned can report any concerns (relating to the purchase, theft, loss or disappearance of explosives precursors) at any time to fedpol by telephone (+41 58 460 52 10) or by using this contact form (available in German, French and Italian).
Video of new law on precursors for explosive substances (available in German, French and Italian):