A close look at state denying groups

‹Reichsbürger› and state-denying groups are causing a stir in Germany. fedpol, with the support of the cantons, is examining the situation in Switzerland: a complex picture of ideology, rejection and potential violence – a challenge for security and society.

In December 2022, German authorities took decisive action against groups known to be ‹citizens of the Reich› and deniers of state legitimacy. These groups reject the state, were planning a coup, and have links with Switzerland. In order to shed more light on these links and activities, fedpol has set up a special working group. Its mission: to make a detailed analysis of the situation and encourage national and international cooperation.

In order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the activities of these groups in Switzerland, fedpol has turned primarily to the cantons. The response from seventeen cantons provides valuable intelligence, even if the information is fragmented and varied in form. Despite these challenges, it is becoming clear that currently there are no direct plans for a coup in Switzerland.

The phenomenon of state deniers is becoming increasingly visible in Switzerland. They consistently reject the authority of the state, do not recognise court judgments and oppose cooperation with state institutions. Although their ideology is not expressly violent, violent incidents can occur, especially if they feel threatened by state measures.

«This issue shines a spotlight on the importance of fedpol’s cooperation with the cantons, and its foreign partners. But also that interdisciplinary work between different authorities and police specialists is becoming increasingly important.»

Marco, police specialist

Some experts suspect that there are also financial motives behind the activities of Reichsbürger and others who reject the state. They warn against fraud and the misappropriation of assets that have been invested in so-called ‹imaginary banks›. The groups make targeted use of social media to spread their message, organise seminars and lectures and recruit new members. Topics such as esotericism, conspiracy theories, alternative medicine and the self-proclaimed status as a ‹human being›, which is supposed to free them from any obligations to the state, are the focus of their interest.

The development of these movements in Switzerland is still at an early stage compared to Germany and Austria. It is important to understand structures, ideologies and networks both within Switzerland and internationally. This is the only way to recognise developments, including unrest or even violent incidents, at an early stage, and take suitable measures where necessary. Preventive work and the exchange of information between the cantons and at an international level play a key role in this.

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